Yes. We at Luckeep will be hosting a variety of festivals over the next 2024! One of the prizes at these festivals will be a brand new e-bike!Includes e-bike accessories and gift cards! It could also be some of the companies we do branding with (e.g., sports apparel, outdoor props, audio)

Anyway, the prizes will be great! Stay tuned! NOW. There is a Valentine's Day event! Let me tell you what you need to do to participate in this event and how to receive your prizes once you win!

Conditions of Participation: Purchase of an electric bicycle between February 1st and February 14th will be considered as participation in this sweepstakes!

The lucky winner of this event will be announced on February 15th on the Valentine's Day page of the website and on social media! So please keep an eye on our social media ahead of time.

So if the lucky winner is you, you may ask, how will you win the prize?Our website editor will be contacting the lucky winner of this event on February 15th and will need the lucky winner to provide shipping information and address. We will send out the gift directly - a brand new e-bike X2.

For the lucky winners, this event also has some minor requirements. It's not a tricky requirement, it's just to prove the authenticity of this event.We need the lucky winner to shoot a video for us after receiving the prize e-bike. Also take a few more photos of you and your loved ones riding together for us. (To publicize the authenticity and value of the event.) We hope these two small requests will be fulfilled! We also hope that our e-bikes will bring more users to explore the joyful life of riding!

Enjoy your riding life!--Luckeep

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