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When making the choice between the cadence sensor and the torque sensor, answer this question first:Are you looking for an E-bike that can do the most work for you? lf YES, an E-bike with a cadence sensormight be the best choice.

Cadence-based pedal assist systems will let the electric bike's motor work (While the PAS is on) when arider begins to pedal. Simply, when the cadence sensor detects the rotation from the pedals(Mostly aquarter turn and adjustable), the cadence sensor will send a signal to the controller, then the controllertells the motor to start work, then the motor will work as the controller told it, start smoothly or full powerstart(Set in controller).

The effort a rider puts in and the selected PAS level will effect how many power the motor outputs. Forexample, on a cadence-based E-bike, manufacturers generally have preset speeds for each level of PAS.As your pedal cadence increases, the motor will continue to output until it reaches its MAX preset speedor power. While in flat terrains, the E-bike may reach the MAX preset speed, but when in steep terrains, theE-bike could not reaches the preset MAX speed even the motor work on its full power.

As the chainwheel's rotation comes to the MIN needs of the cadence sensor, the PAS will told thecontroller to let the motor engage.Your E-bike may need to move a longer(Compared with torque sensorbased E-bike) distance before the motor could engage.This will be a significant difference when you areride off road or on a steep terrain.

As the pedaling speed increases, the PAS will increase the motor's output power/speed to the preset(NOT your pedal cadence).

As the pedaling speed decreases, the PAS will decrease the motor's output power/speed to the preset(NOT your pedal cadence).


A electric bike cadence sensor is used to detect how fast the a rider is pedaling, the faster you pedal thechainwheel, the more the motor helps you, there are some benefits that comes

1、Ease To Use

one of the biggest advantages of riding an E-bike equipped with a cadence sensor is its very ease to use.Cadence sensor-based electric bikes require light pressure on the pedals to activate the motor, or wecould say, when the cadence sensor noticed that the chainwheel's rotation is enough, the motor willengage and provide massive assistance.

2、Efforts Saving

After the motor engage(Before the motor start, you need to pedal the e-bike on your own), you can put MINefforts which is enough to rotate the pedal and the motor will keep engaging.This makes cadence-basedelectric bikes becomes a better option for those recreational riders or someone with physical limitationsbut still wants to ride.

3、Leisurely Cycling

You can choose if they want to cruise around and have a leisurely ride, pedaling at low assist levels forless assistance. Or, you can turn the PAS level higher to feel the wind. Whatever you want, the electric bikewill gives you.



Though the cadence-based electric bikes are suitable for all riders of all ages, sometimes riders want theriding feel more likely as ride a normal bike, like every time they pedal, they feel like they are pedaling thebike.The cadence sensors could not apply it.

1、Less Workout

If you want an E-bike to feel more like a normal bike, the cadence based E-bike may not the best choice (lfyou turn off the PAS, it will be a normal bike). The cadence based E-bike will let the motor engagedanytime when the sensor sensed any rotation. You couldn't feel an intense workout when riding an E-bikebased on cadence sensors, the E-bike will do the most of work for you and you will feel relaxed and enjoythe view, but this may be an absolute riding experience that requires less effort!

2、Less Mileage(Mostly

Mileage is one of the important factors when purchasing an electric bike. There are a lot of factors willeffect the E-bike's mileage. Extensive use of cadence-based PAS, especially at higher levels for a longtime(Such as PAS 4 of 5), needs a large amount of electricity to power the motor. The battery's capacity iscertain, decide how many mileages on a single charge.
The cadence sensor will let the motor engage (Before exceeding the MAX speed) the time it feels rotationfrom your pedal, such as when you are down hill, even if you are empty pedaling (You are not using anveffort), the cadence sensor will also let the motor engage all the way to exceeding the MAX PAS speedbut you don't need any help from the motor in this situation.



When choosing an E-bike between a torque sensor or a cadence sensor, if you want an ride experiencethat's similar to a normal bike, the torque sensor-based electric bike might be the better choice for you.

While cadence-based sensors measure if a rider is pedaling and how fast is pedaling, torque sensorscould measure how hard you are pedaling. A torque sensor measures how much force you are applying tothe pedals, then calculates how much power the motor should be. A toraue sensor will sense vour effortsand amplifying your efforts.

Even if you are static, the time you put efforts on your pedal, the torqur sensor will know' you needs help,then the motor will engage.You just need to let the E-bike moving a little distance before the motor's much easier when ride off road or on steep terrains.

The harder you pedal, the more your motor output, up to the preset of PAS level(Match you cadence).

The less you pedal, the less output your motor will be(Match you cadence).


The torque-based E-bike has a natural ride feel and more mileage on all types of E-bikes, including afolding E-bike with a torque sensor.

1、More Exercise

lf your goal is to find an electric bike which feel like a boost on you leg while riding, you come to the rightplace, choose the torque based E-bike! The PAS naturally works with you rather than doing a most of thework for you, the torque sensor could 'feel' how hard you are pedaling, the harder you pedal, the more themotor boost.

2、Natural Riding Style

You may feel more intuitive because the torque sensor is able to adjust the motor's assistance power tomatch your pedaling cadence/efforts.You won't get a sudden jolt of power when changing PAS levels orstart to pedal, the torque sensor 'knows' when and how much power the bike should give you and doessmoothly and dynamically. It doesnt like the cadence sensor which could only output the preset power ofevery PAs level.

3、More Mileage

Since torque-based E-bikes do not produce a preset output at any PAS level, you may be able to saveelectricity and ride farther.
As torque sensor E-bikes simply assist you while riding, depending on how much effort you're putting in.torque sensor E-bikes won't consume extra energy while you don't need assistance, such as when you aredown hill, even if you are empty pedaling (You are not using any effort) , the torque sensor will not let themotor engage because you don't really need help. Very smart, isn't?
Ultimately, giving you more control over your ride, your E-bike, and your experience.



Torque sensor E-bike needs you and your motor riding the bike at the same time, so you can't slack off. lnorder to reach a higher speed, you need to put more effort into pedaling. But a cadence sensor E-bike wiimmediately output all the way to its highest preset speed.

1、More Effort

if a cadence-based E-bike feels too effortless, try a torque-based E-bike. The sensors detect how mucheffort you're putting into your ride and help you with the ride, giving you a more natural connection withyour E-bike!

In addition, once the top speed is reached on an E-bike with a torque sensor, sustaining the top speed willalso require your extra pedal power. lt's a workout, but sometimes it's a good thing. What if you don't wantto pedal but you want to speed up? Um...don't you know a part named 'Throttle'? With this, you couldspeed up with no pedal! So...this isn't a disadvantage anymore.

Note: Class 3 E-bike does not has a throttle

2、Unable to be lazy

As said above, unlikely to the cadence based E-bike, when you ride with a torque based E-bike, you andyour motor are riding the bike at the same time. You pedal less, the motor pedals less; you pedal hard, themotor will pedal harder, so you can't slack off, otherwise the motor will slack off with you and the bike wilstop.


Acknowledgments: Thanks to our partner WETHRIFT, a professional website specializing in coupons. Link:

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